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The pre-submission consultation stage of the Skillington Neighbourhood Plan was completed on 7th November 2016. Comments were received from thirty residents and stakeholders.


All responses and comments have been considered by the working group and are summarised in a document called SNP Assessment which also shows our response to the comments and the corresponding changes, if any, to the draft plan.


The amended plan will shortly be submitted to SKDC who will, in their turn, submit it for public consultation before it is sent to an independent examiner. All being well, and after any resulting amendments, the Plan will then be submitted for referendum, later this year.

The  revised plan will be available for inspection on the Skillington Life website in the near future.'


The Skillington Neighbourhood Plan has now been submitted to SKDC. Please  note that, to meet statutory requirements, the Plan, as submitted, includes two accompanying documents: The Basic Conditions and the Consultation Statements. These can all be accessed using the buttons below .


The submitted Skillington Neighbourhood Plan has now been provisionally accepted by SKDC as satisfying the necessary submission criteria.  They have now published it with its associated documents for public consultation. The public consultation period is from 3rd March to 14th April 2017. See this link:


The Skillington Neighbourhood Plan has now passed the last stage of its progress before it is submitted to a referendum. It passed its external examination with only minor amendments requested by the examiner who also said:

'I am satisfied that the Neighbourhood Plan meets the Basic Conditions and would like to congratulate the Skillington Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Planning Steering group for the considerable amount of work that they have undertaken to produce the Plan.  The Plan has been excellently produced and presented.  It positively promotes development while seeking to protect the Plan area from inappropriate development.  It demonstrates the clear vision and aspiration of the community to maintain and improve the local environment while seeking to promote developments that will contribute to increasing the sustainability of the settlements.'

We are waiting to hear the date of the referendum from SKDC but it is likely to be around the end of July. A simple majority vote in favour will enable the Plan to be adopted.


The referendum on the Skillington Neighbourhood Plan will be held on Thursday August 3rd. If a majority of voters support the Plan then it will be 'adopted' and become a point of reference for any future planning application.

The Plan has been in preparation for more than two years and has been subject to extensive consultation, so I hope that residents of Skillington will want to support it at the referendum. More information, including the approved plan, can be accessed using the following buttons.

This is a diary of the procedures taken by the Parish Council in the production of the plan

Download SNP Assessment Download Skillington Neigbourhood Plan (Final) Basic Conditions Consultation Statements SKDC Public Consultation Document Download SNP Post Examination Download Approved Plan Download Notice of Referendum Download Information Statement Download Booklet Giving Information For Voters Result of Referendum Back